In previous post, we demonstrate how to program ADC module of PIC16F887 using MikroC for PIC. However its result was just a binary representation of 10-bit ADC resolution.
Typically, input voltage to ADC input channel ranges around its ADC reference voltage - about 5V. Thus input voltage of analog input is between 0 to 5V DC. In this programming example, controller read analog input voltage using its ADC module, and display the value of voltage on a multiplexing 7-Segments display.
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Sample of this programming example |
Analog input channel 0 (AN0) reads input voltage. C program configures, and converts analog input value to digital representation. Another block of code convert digital conversion result to readable voltage value in floating point format.
MikroC source code:
#define STEP_SIZE 0.0048 #define ONE_SECOND 30 #define RATE 10 #define DIGIT1 PORTA.RA6 #define DIGIT2 PORTA.RA7 unsigned ADC_Value; float Voltage; char int_count,volt_count; char LED[10]={0x3F,0x06,0x5B,0x4F,0x66,0x6D,0x7D,0x07,0x7F,0x6F}; bit ADC_RUN; void interrupt() { if(INTCON.T0IF) { int_count++; if(int_count==ONE_SECOND) { int_count=0; ADC_RUN=1; } } INTCON.T0IF=0; } void PORT_SETUP() { PORTA=0x00; PORTB=0x00; TRISA=0x01; // RA0 IS ANALOG IN PUT TRISB=0x00; // PORTB is OUTPUT ANSEL=0x01; // SELECT AN0 ANSELH=0x00; // OTHERS ARE DIGITAL IO OSCCON|=0x07; // SELECT 8MHz INT RC } void Timer0_Setup(){ OPTION_REG.T0CS=0; // SELECT FOSC/4 OPTION_REG.PSA=0; // SELECT TIMER0 PRESCALER OPTION_REG|=0x07; // SELECT 1:256 PRESCALER } void interrupt_setup() { INTCON.GIE=1; INTCON.T0IE=1; INTCON.T0IF=0; } void Read_Voltage () { if(ADC_RUN=1) { ADC_Value=ADC_Get_Sample(0); // READ AN0 delay_ms(10); Voltage=ADC_Value*STEP_SIZE; // Convert to Decimal } ADC_RUN=0; } void SSD() { volt_count=Voltage*10; // convert Voltage to integer PORTB=LED[Volt_count/10]|0x80; DIGIT1=1; delay_ms(RATE); PORTA=0x00; PORTB=LED[Volt_count%10]; DIGIT2=1; delay_ms(RATE); PORTA=0x00; } void main() { ADC_Value=0; int_count=0; ADC_RUN=0; PORT_SETUP(); ADC_Init(); Timer0_Setup(); Interrupt_Setup(); while(1) { Read_Voltage(); SSD(); } }
Multiplexed display is common cathode type, driven by an inverting buffer. Embedded controller operates from its 8MHz internal oscillator.
Schematic Diagram:
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Schematic diagram |
Click here to download this example.
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