A parallel to serial shift register is useful for microprocessor digital inputs extending. For instant a keypad input for printer for photocopier machine. There are many off-the-shelf parallel to serial shift register chips, especially the SN74HC165.
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Hardware Testing |
Using a programmable logic device we can design this kind of chip with customizable operations, and the numbers of I/O. This job could be done with a CPLD chip and its design tool, VHLD, Verilog code, or even schematic design tool.
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Running Arduino Program and the XC95108 |
In this example, I use an XC95108 CPLD to design a parallel to serial converter chip. VHDL code is preferred for this design. This design contains,
- Clock (CLK) input,
- LOAD input to latch data from an 8-bit digital input to the internal register,
- Serial Data Out (DOUT) that shift data serially at the rising edge of input clock,
- Digital Input (D) is an 8-bit data input.
The overall process requires 9 clock cycles. At the first clock, data will be read and latched into an internal register, then the 8-bit serial data shifting out will be processed.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 08:31:41 02/03/2024 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: parallel_serial_2 - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity parallel_serial_2 is Port ( CLK : in STD_LOGIC; LOAD : in STD_LOGIC; DOUT : out STD_LOGIC; D : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0)); end parallel_serial_2; architecture Behavioral of parallel_serial_2 is SIGNAL REG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); begin PROCESS(CLK,LOAD) BEGIN IF(CLK'EVENT AND CLK='1') THEN IF(LOAD='1') THEN REG<=D; ELSE REG<=REG(6 DOWNTO 0)&'0'; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; DOUT<=REG(7); end Behavioral;
You can use the FloorPlan I/O tool in the ISE Design Suite to assign its I/O pins. On the XC95108 CPLD Prototype Board, I set the I/O as follow.
#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE #PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments NET "CLK" LOC = "P50" ; NET "D<0>" LOC = "P48" ; NET "D<1>" LOC = "P47" ; NET "D<2>" LOC = "P46" ; NET "D<3>" LOC = "P45" ; NET "D<4>" LOC = "P44" ; NET "D<5>" LOC = "P43" ; NET "D<6>" LOC = "P41" ; NET "D<7>" LOC = "P40" ; NET "DOUT" LOC = "P52" ; NET "LOAD" LOC = "P51" ; #PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints #PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints #PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE
The Arduino is very popular for most of electronics projects. I use an Arduino Uno to read the data from this chip.
const char clockPin= 13; const char Enable = 10; const char dataPin=12; uint8_t incoming=0,oldData; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Arduino ShiftIn And XC95108 Parallel To Serial Converter."); pinMode(clockPin,OUTPUT); pinMode(Enable,OUTPUT); pinMode(dataPin,INPUT); digitalWrite(clockPin,LOW); digitalWrite(Enable,LOW); } void loop() { digitalWrite(Enable,HIGH); digitalWrite(clockPin,LOW); digitalWrite(clockPin,HIGH); digitalWrite(Enable,LOW); for(uint8_t i=0;i<8;i++){ digitalWrite(clockPin,LOW); if(digitalRead(dataPin)==1) incoming|=(1<<(7-i)); else incoming&=~(1<<(7-i)); digitalWrite(clockPin,HIGH); } if(incoming!=oldData){ Serial.println("Received 8-Bit HEX Data: 0x" + String(incoming,HEX)); Serial.println("Received 8-Bit BIN Data: 0b" + String(incoming,BIN)); oldData=incoming; } // Serial.println(incoming,HEX); //Serial.println(incoming,BIN); delay(1500); }
Click here to download this example.